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5 Myths of Workforce Optimization [INFOGRAPHIC]

Aligned and optimized employees are engaged employees.

The big question today is, “How do I maximize my return on my people investment?” We’ve all heard the phrase that people are our competitive advantage in the workplace. What we don’t know is how to maximize and measure that competitive advantage. It begins with taking a holistic view of your talent program, assessing what strategies you’re using that are working, where the gaps are and what you need to do differently.

Questions to ask yourself include: Is my workforce fully engaged and enrolled in my company’s mission and vision? Do people feel valued and appreciated for their unique contribution? Am I hiring in alignment with the core values of my organization? Does each and every role serve a purpose aligned with my business strategy? What are the competencies required for success in my organization? What are my workforce strengths and where are the gaps? Am I hiring the right people for the right roles?

More questions could be: Are my training solutions customized for my unique company needs or are they standard off-the- shelf programs? Is my company delivering training in the form of instructor-led or are my employees able to log in from a tablet to take eLearning courses? Is my training geared at optimizing people’s strengths and creating alignment with my company’s mission, vision and values? Do our employees feel there are career pathways within our organization?

The reality is, how you answer these questions determines if your company has gaps in its ability to get the best from your people.

In today’s workforce, baby boomers are preparing to go off the demographic cliff and they need work re-defined in a manner that allows them to make money, contribute, and experience life outside of the office. A new generation is being ushered in – the EcoBoom Millennials – and they want to know the benefits and advantages of working for your company. They’ll need to see a pathway, experience milestones and be acknowledged for success to keep them engaged.

If you want optimized and engaged employees, it’s crucial that you define and communicate performance metrics. You actually escalate ramp up time and decrease learning curves when people know what right looks like and have a clear understanding of what successful performance is in their job and with your company. By tailoring your training, your employees are better equipped to sell, serve, innovate, and develop products faster.

Whether its career, role or knowledge pathways, we partner with you in creating customized development plans so your employees, at all levels, know what they have to do, when they have to do it, and how to do it to be successful.

Check out our ‘5 Myths to Employee Engagement’ Infographic below!

(Click the image to enlarge.)

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</p><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /> <p><strong>Please include attribution to KeenAlignment with this graphic.</strong></p><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /> <p><a href=’’><img src=’’ alt=’5 Myths of Workforce Optimization’ 540px border=’0′ /></a></p><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /> <p>

To find out how KeenAlignment can help you get a stronger return on your people investment, schedule a free 1:1 consultation with a talent strategy architect today.


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