First and foremost, employee retention starts with effective recruitment. Basically, you must make sure that what you offered when you interviewed the candidate is what you deliver when they’re hired—and continue to deliver. Let’s face it: Now, more than ever, people have choices. Candidates have opportunities in abundance, from consulting to contract, remote and global opportunities. Not everybody wants the same thing, but for companies to retain loyal and excellent employees, they must be aware of what their individual employees want. When surveyed globally, employees consistently named the same elements that drive and nurture their engagement. The most common are:
Confidence in organization’s future (mission / vision)
Promising future for one’s self
Company supports work / life balance
Safety is a priority
Excited about one’s work
Confidence in company’s senior leaders
Satisfied with recognition
CSR efforts increase overall satisfaction
Satisfied with on-the-job training
Manager treats employee with respect and dignity