San Antonio Texas – quaint, steamy, fun, and the temporary home to 3200 or so staffing and recruiting professionals over the month of October. This is the 1st of 2 times I will be visiting the Lone Star state, and I have to say I am excited to be here. Last night we walked down the river walk which was really nice, a mini Venice -well sort of, and we ate as a really great Italian restaurant Paesanos, they even had my favorite Chianti Classico – Ruffino, gold label.

So far our experience’s at Staffing World have been excellent, every interaction we have had whether it be from a Marriott service staff member or from employees of the American Staffing Association, everyone has made our 1st trip to San Antonio as well as the launch of a fun and rewarding experience.
While my topic tomorrow is Business Development (Leverage your power to get in and get the business), my intention is to wake up the everyday staffer to what is on corporate HR’s mind and then to encourage these every day staffers to kick it up and offer the level of service that will some day (some day sooner than later) be the expected norm. I figure the best way to get my point across is to start with what’s hot and not in recruiting, but before starting there, I thought I should start with a present day check in on what is hot and not with the always and forever changing planet we live on.
WHAT’S HOT AS OF 10.11.07
The internet Going Green Working remotely IPOD Fitness Organics Fall in Chicago Off Shoring Quality of life Outsourcing Going International Free Agents /Contract Labor Millennial talent Virtual meetings Synergistic work teams Terrorism Entrepreneurialism Efficiency 2 -3 sources of income per family Diversification Sourcing Comp Time Quality of Life Staying Single Hybrid cars Nordstrom Rack /Off 5th Costco Starbucks Specialty boutique shops –Strip malls Technology Human mind/innovations are expanding at 50% faster (?) Harleys Volunteerism Specialty / Technical Education Healthcare /Pharma Mammoth car dealerships Moms staying home with kids and working from home Web based business Quality of life Mega churches Spirituality Multi tasking Stress relief International business
Made in America Running the Air conditioning with the windows down The American Dollar OJ The Cubs Company Loyalty Life long job security The Secretary Large expense checks Very Large Custom homes Bureaucracy Politics The War Real-estate Mortgage rates Credit Card debt Large amount of kids Lincoln Navigators Macy’s in Chicago Trust Guaranteed Salaries Working on Sundays Large children’s birthday parties outside of the home Mfg Specialty auto dealers FEMA Obsessive CEO Salaries Traffic in any major city
War on talent impacting every company on the planet RPO –Recruitment Process Outsourcing Emerging industries –RPO, Sourcing, Selection, Retention Major link between vacant chairs and loss of revenue Niche recruiting disciplines Industry experts
Recruiting being divided into sourcing and selection –some companies’ boast they can do it all; others segment into best services offerings in each category.
Retention Focus Sourcing focus Pipeline concern Managers being held accountable for talent sourcing Management being held accountable for retention Management being held accountable for employee development
RECRUITING — What’s NOT so HOT? Generalist recruiting Only using the job boards Unemployed candidates Running advertisements as the primary sourcing tool Internet focus rather than people communications focus One person being a hybrid expert at everything Lone rangers 35% fees for sourcing names only Making candidates interview when and where it is totally inconvenient Evaluating candidates solely based on gut instinct