In today’s volatile world, paying the price to live and work in the land of the free and the home of the brave means full disclosure. Full disclosure you ask? In the hiring process it means for a candidate to let it all hang out, tell the truth, not lie or fake about their background, accomplishments, experience or employment intentions. Being 100% responsible for who they are and what they bring to the table.

What is considered a lie? What is a sin of omission and is it worse than a sin of commission?
As I lead workshops for the unemployed on how to Ace the Interview, a chronic complaint under the guise of a question always seems to emerge out of the participant’s job hunt frustration. That complaint is, Why do these employers make us job applicants jump through flaming hoops of fire just to go to work for their company? Aren’t they grateful we applied? They need us; after all there is a talent shortage out there!” Over the years my response hasn’t changed