KeenHire is Growing!
What started off as an initiative to transform the recruitment process for the search and staffing industries, has wound up emerging into a full series of programming and training that bridges the gap between recruitment and retention of high performing talent for high tech / high touch corporations. Keen is growing and we have added five new consultants to the team and we are strategically partnering with three other training companies. In addition, we have trained and are partnering with 15 elite staffing and search companies committed to raising the bar on their service delivery models, and our Keen Human Capital Strategy seminar series is taking off with a bang!
Keen Calendar at-a-Glance:
Accomplishing more in less time, effort, and stress.
Build a high performance team.
And if you didn’t catch the employment empowerment buzz last month at KeenHire, here is the recap:
WHAT IS EMPLOYMENT EMPOWERMENT? by Margaret Graziano Employee empowerment is sometimes reflected in employee engagement. It can be measured in several ways: one of the tools a company can use is an engagement survey, another is 360 degree peer review, another is by conducting employee focus groups, and recently I uncovered an employee empowerment assessment that analyzes the difference between the Managements’ interpretation of empowerment and the employees’ experience or their lack of it. CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING:
EMPOWERMENT POLL: What’s your opinion?
What is empowerment in the workplace? What is it to lead an empowered team? Do leaders really want this, or is it the right thing for them to say they want, and are they not empowered enough to actually create it?
Please comment here, we’d love to hear your views, stories and opinions.