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Maximize HR Leadership Effectiveness [INFOGRAPHIC]

In the conscious hiring process, candidates are interviewed and assessed for their ability and aptitude in those important competencies, as well as for their match fit in terms of purpose, values, and behaviors. If they naturally possess the key traits, and enjoy what they are doing, the role becomes a self-expression for the person in it and engagement occurs organically.

Whereas as in unconscious hiring, people often take jobs and are hired for the wrong reasons. They take a job because they need the work, they need a paycheck; in some cases, people are so desperate they even lie to get a job. They could be running away from a situation that’s not working. Maybe they’re not getting along with their boss, the workload or type of work has changed or they’re not getting the attention that they need at work; maybe the company is anticipating layoffs and they need another job because they can’t handle an interruption in their cash flow. There’s multiple reasons why someone would take a job for the wrong reasons or for simply a paycheck, the bottom line is, they’re settling for a position that is a so-so fit.

They hope they can make it through it, and over time, they find they’re going through the motions and they slowly become disengaged with the role and with the company.

On the other side of the coin, there’s the hiring manager that’s in a big hurry to fill a job. They throw an outdated job req at the recruiter and tell them to get as many candidates as they can, as soon as possible. When the recruiter shows up with candidates, the hiring manager is too busy to give the recruitment the attention it needs and gets to the pile of resumes when they get to it.

By the time they go through 30% of the resumes, they have resume fatigue. They’re excited maybe about 1 or 2 people, they bring them in for an interview, and because they are short of time, their attention isn’t on the most important factors. They hear some good things during the interview and make up their mind who they’re going to hire at that point and in many cases, they stop listening or hearing and miss important clues about how this person will show up on the job. Later, neither the person nor the position delivers and before long the hiring manager and the recruiter are back to square one.

So conscious hiring does away with desperate-based hiring and unwanted employee turnover. It creates opportunities and multiple touch points for both the candidate and the person hiring to evaluate the role, its purpose, its overall contribution to the company in terms of measurable results; as well as the match fit of the candidate in terms of behaviors, values, competencies, career goals, and motives for working.

So when the match fit score is high, both the candidate and the hiring manager consciously choose to work together because there’s a strong alignment and that’s conscious hiring.

If you are committed to reversing the trend of desperate-based hiring and creating more engagement and productivity in your workforce, download our value packed infographic!

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To find out how KeenAlignment can help you implement an effective HR strategy, schedule a free 1:1 consultation with us today.


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