Santa Monica, Calif., April 29, 2010 – Escalating demands of the American workplace – from staff cuts and tighter budgets to increasingly difficult workloads – have created an environment where employees don’t feel they are valued appropriately by executives and superiors. However, a new survey of 584 working Americans conducted by Kelton Research and sponsored by learning and talent management solutions provider Cornerstone On Demand reveals that employers are overlooking simple solutions to improve employee morale and loyalty – and reduce the risk of losing employees as the economy improves. Nearly three in five (56 percent) employed Americans say that aside from compensation and benefits, being appreciated would motivate them to stay in their current position – even more so than an opportunity to advance their career (46 percent). Additionally, more working women than men (62 percent vs. 50 percent) feel that, aside from money and benefits, being appreciated would make them stay put. Yet, 54 percent of working Americans say that their colleagues appreciate them more than their supervisors or company executives.
While the economy may have made it difficult for employers to reward their workers with raises and additional benefits, they need to embrace other ways of showing appreciation. Employers also need to take note that while they are in survival mode their employees are looking out the window at what is next for them.
American workers simply want to be empowered to do a good job and be recognized for their contributions