If you’re looking for top-notch recruiter training, be sure to check out the Keen Hire Seminar Schedule for 2008.
This Friday, 2/15, we’re covering benchmarking, a must have both for corporate hiring managers and recruiters attempting to sell multinational corporations.
Some things you’ll learn:
Master CPR (Comprehensive Position Requirements)
Improve your HBA (Hiring Batting Average)
Increase your CRR (Client Retention Rates)
Quickly Grasp the art of ABC (Attracting Better Candidates)
You can become a certified DiSC specialist on February 28-29th.
March 3 and 4th, we offer a selling bootcamp. Or learn how to choose personality assessments on March 11-12th.
If there is a recession coming, the time to differentiate yourself is now. For more information, keep an eye out for KeenHire.com.