Remote vs. On-Site
Google recently announced that they’re planning to cut remote workers’ salaries by 15-25%, possibly setting a standard for other companies to follow. While statistics show working remotely has benefits, more companies are wanting employees to be on-site. But is that what’s needed?
Let’s take a deeper look at this post-vaccination workplace culture shift: working remotely vs. working on-site.
A recent article from Forbes shares, “Polls across social media are indicating that employees would actively seek a new job if their pay were reduced due to working remotely.
Across almost every poll, the comments section unanimously agrees that employers are paying workers for their skill set and experience, not their geographical location.
Although commuting expenses have been eliminated, internet, utilities, groceries, equipment, supplies and rent are costs employees still incur while working remotely.”
There’s a common belief that working from home, employees are less committed to productivity and reaching milestones. While the overall data may prove otherwise, there is a workplace culture shift taking place that needs to be addressed.
In our prior blog, we discussed our top 3 phases of the post-pandemic workplace culture.
Accepting that the new-normal is being pushed further into the future.
Understanding that using the word “returning” to the office, may not be relatable for employees.
And giving space – more than just social-distancing to lead opportunities for learning, as employees are working through so much more than the important projects in front of them.
These are key ingredients for success.
Today, we’re talking about the workplace culture shift that seems to be creating a break in the infrastructure of options and opportunities. That there is no “I” in Team, and that Teams must be together to create a dynamic is a common belief that companies might be outgrowing – but trending data suggests otherwise.
The barrier of a video meeting cutting the physical connections of workplace rhythms cannot be underestimated. Additionally, the added psychological stress placed on managers having to coach employees to get simple tasks accomplished through follow-ups and follow-throughs is time consuming and costly.
If you miss an opportunity by a minute, you could miss a deadline by a mile.
That said, the data is in and it proves that productivity for 80% of workers is up and increasing due to working remotely. Employees become more invested in their work because it is literally at home with them. There is an ownership culture blossoming that needs to be nurtured.
Employees are one of the most important, if not the most important aspect to your business. And keeping them motivated is key.
Where is the breaking point? Where’s the balance point? And what’s the solution?
At KeenAlignment, we’re way ahead of trending information – we pride ourselves on finding solutions and working with you to develop innovative approaches to these trying times.
Our Momentum For Remote Teams is virtual leadership development program that drives breakthrough results in your remote teams.
If the breaking point comes down to manager and employees commuting back to work again, the training received in the Momentum program still applies. Which is why it has been proven to work throughout our post-vaccination workplace culture shift.
Ramp up your results and achieve goals faster through this highly interactive, fun, and experiential online workshop, presented in five 90 minute modules.
Our team up to helps you shed the stress of leading a remote workforce and focus on creating the momentum needed to produce breakthrough results. You walk away with the leadership skills needed to unlock the power of the collective genius of your team.
Watch The Free 1 Hour Momentum Webinar On Demand by clicking here:
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