Without a doubt, the world is starved for high performing mission critical, key contributor and next level leadership talent. Companies are scrambling to create recruitment
and retention strategies that bring forth and engage this population.
With the well-publicized graying and impending retirement of the aging workforce, the abundance of millennial talent entering the workforce and the emergence of social networking; it is crystal clear that the business world is seriously reevaluating old, stale recruitment and hiring practices and eager to locate new cutting edge strategies for attracting, selecting and retaining the right people to take their companies to the next level.
KeenHire has amalgamated core components of our Organizational Design, Recruitment, Selection, Hiring and Retention programs to deliver a world class Recruitment Process In-Sourcing (RPI) program for Emerging and Expanding companies needing to hire a team of people in a specific time frame and maximize their return on their human capital investment.
Keen joins forces with your existing management team,
implements leading edge candidate sourcing and selection systems as well as the core people to manage and execute the recruitment process. Additionally, we establish systems and protocols for on-boarding and retaining the newly hired talent.
Keen`s Recruitment Process In-Sourcing offering is second to none, and includes a complete Talent Competency Gap Analysis, Role Analysis of each position including a per role customized Hiring Talent Benchmark and Behavioral Interviewing Model. KeenHires` 26 point hiring process ensures total quality, commitment and engagement of the right candidates. Each Keen hire is on-boarded with a customized program that enables both Manager and new employee to get off to the right start and play to the employees strengths. Our new employee Users Manual offers guidance and counsel to the Manager that empowers him or her to engage the employee to perform at their maximum level of effectiveness from day one.
When a new employee is hired for the right reasons, the risk of a mis-hire Download mis-hireCostWorksheet or unwanted turn over is drastically diminished. When a new employee is on-boarded and managed the right way, from the beginning ramp up time is drastically reduced and productivity improves tenfold.
If your company is a start up with a funded business plan to hire, is moving, is expanding their U.S presence, is growing a market sector, or is opening a new division and needs several high impact key contributors, mission critical team members and next level leaders, the Keenhire Recruitment Process In-Sourcing program is the answer that puts the right people in the right roles, for the right period of time, for the right cost.
And there`s more! We leave the systems, structures and if necessary, the people behind when we depart so your can replicate our service internally as you grow.