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Employee Empowerment Comes from Effective Communication Skills

Make communication effectiveness a cornerstone of your high-performance corporate culture.

Employee Empowerment  v.2
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Many companies today are still adjusting to the new norms after the pandemic shut work down, isolating workers at home. Today, business is still dealing with the aftermath; employees are often burned out and don’t feel empowered to get their work done. Constant communication breakdowns leave them feeling confused and frustrated. Collaboration is low and work is not in alignment with corporate goals. There is no organic growth and the company itself feels stagnant. Sound familiar?

According to Gallup, 85% of employees are not engaged in the workplace.​

Response Agility

The first key struggle employees face is a lack of response agility. This is defined as the ability to respond in a controlled and effective way when confronted with challenges brought on by volatile situations that demand a response. Having agility helps leaders avoid bad decisions when frustrations, fears and anxieties are present.


The world of work is changing at a rapid pace and human beings are naturally prone to fearing change. This natural fear leaves employees in a constant state of fight-or-flight. This not only affects employee productivity but also their health. Response Agility Training allows employees to learn how to adapt to change in a healthy and productive way and no longer fear the constant shift in today's world of work.


Communication Breakdown

The health of the human system is also a crucial piece of any organization. If the people inside your company aren’t operating at their highest levels of effectiveness, your business won’t be either. However, when your employees are engaged, intrinsically motivated, and individually empowered to work towards a larger purpose, your organization thrives. 


There are three main areas of struggle that employees face in today’s workplace. 

  1. response agility

  2. communications intelligence

  3. employee empowerment

All too often there are breakdowns in communication leaving people unclear and confused. In the absence of good communication, people make stuff up. It is simply how the human brain and Ego operate. So, the first employee struggle to build up is Communications intelligence.

Since the outbreak of the pandemic, 75% of employees say they feel more socially isolated, 57% are feeling greater anxiety, and 53% say they feel more emotionally exhausted. (Harvard Business Review)

When left up to their own devices, your employees fill in the blanks, almost never with positive empowering thoughts. This mode of “filling in the blank” communication spreads through gossip; leads to…

  • an erosion of trust

  • misunderstandings

  • lack of employee engagement

So, what can you do about it? Make communication effectiveness a cornerstone of your high-performance corporate culture.

John Grahek.jpeg

“KeenAlignment's training approach is unique, as they encourage you to become
better regardless of what it looks like. It's not always easy, (but) it's very
professionally laid out. Most world-class organizations will want to take advantage of
this higher learning!"


— John Grahek, Plant Manager, Clow Valve, IA

Personal Empowerment


The third obstacle inhibiting employees from peak performance is a lack of personal empowerment. Often, employees feel blocked, burnt out, and stuck in their way of living and working. Conversely, productive employees are those empowered to pursue a higher purpose for themselves and the organization they work for. 


To enable that pursuit, employees need to see past their own limiting beliefs about themselves and about the world around them. HR leaders need to provide employees with the tools to face the challenges of modern living with confidence and personal power. 


Personal empowerment is about having the freedom, agency, and intrinsic motivation to pursue self-actualization at work. It is about having a higher purpose, clear and defined core values and designing work habits and competencies that self-empower oneself to achieve goals and experience happiness anywhere, any place, any time. By choice.

Employees Who Find a Passion and Purpose at Work are More Than 3 Times as Likely to Stay With Their Organizations Than Those Who Don't (Source: New York Times)

KeenAlignment, offers 3 employee empowerment immersive workshops created to ignite the power of your employees and unlock intrinsic motivation that will drive both your human systems and your organization forward. These are for the general employee population with options for an all-day training course, or four 2-hour remote sessions.

  1. Ignite Power Workshop

  2. Response agility workshop

  3. Communications intelligence workshop 

We take your organization on a journey to optimize the collective genius, experience exceptional teamwork and explore unrivaled innovation by teaching employees, at every level, how to honor their vision and values

  • Honor their vision and values

  • appropriately and effectively respond to situations at work and in life

  • communicate their ideas and turn them into conversations for action

These are presented at a Training location of your choice; either in-house or online. Each includes four online micro-learning modules in the Keen Learning Center.  

We take your organization on a journey set to teach employees how to honor their vision and values, how to respond to situations appropriately and effectively at work and in life, and how to communicate their ideas and turn them into conversations for action. A liberated and aligned workforce is an empowered company. 

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