Organizational Culture Assessment
Many executives today are grappling with the massive influence that changes in our popular culture are having on organizational cultures in business. Many are experiencing common problems like infighting, fixed mindsets, and resistance to change due to conflicting values. Team members develop burnout, have low levels of accountability that result in dysfunctional workflows.
Productivity eventually declines, which often gets the attention of upper management. Yet, knowing where real problems lie and how to fix them can be a mystery to business leaders that have not dealt with these types of cultural problems in the past. So, where do you start?
Only 28% of executives understand their company’s culture. (teamstage)
Ideal/Actual Culture Assessment
To create a true culture change initiative, you must understand exactly what needs to change to achieve your desired outcome. The KeenAlignment Ideal/Actual Culture Assessment does just that.
The assessment is a set of two different surveys meant to accurately determine the state of your organizational culture and the gaps that are keeping you from succeeding. This service helps you develop the ideal behaviors and environment you want your culture to represent.

“Magi and the team at Keen executed a high-quality culture assessment and workshop.
They identified focus areas within our existing environment and executed a 2-day workshop
of 35 employees from around the world. The outcome delivered on our goal to establish a
unified mission and vision and associated values. We are grateful for their expertise on this
- George Gallegos, CEO, Jitterbit, Alameda, CA
The assessment then examines what your current culture looks like, including the behaviors of employees and the type of environment they are working in. From these two surveys, a culture architect examines and shares the differences between what you want, and what you currently have. Next steps to correcting systemic problems then become clearer.
The best way to collect comprehensive and accurate data about existing culture problems is to get different groups throughout your organization to take our assessments. The results give you the perspectives of both employees and leaders.
67 percent of professionals stated that they were misled about company culture during their induction... (Robert Walters)
With this data you can truly understand how your culture is affecting every level of the organization, not just the executives and higher-ups. The more people involved in a change initiative, the more likely it is to succeed. Use these assessments to give voices to the people in your company who might not normally be heard.
These assessments highlight what you are lacking and what is keeping you from achieving your goals. By establishing where you are and where you want to go, we can help you create a clear, realistic plan to achieve your organizational culture goals. The assessment can show you your current strengths and weaknesses as well as what areas you need to improve in to accomplish the organizational culture of your dreams.
Ideal Culture Assessment Process
Step One:
Get clear on what an ideal culture will do for you
Step Two:
Work with a consultant to explore your “why”
Step Three:
Identify your target assessment population
Step Four:
Set goals for what you will do with the information once you get it
Step Five:
Survey your people
Step Six:
Schedule an all-hands mtg to reveal and share findings
Step Seven:
Create a plan for how to get you from actual to ideal culture
Step Eight:
Plan a culture accelerator event to gain alignment and momentum
Step Nine:
Receive high-level support from the KeenAlignment team in transforming your culture to where you want it to be
Improve Your Company's Culture
With the right data, you can truly understand how your culture is affecting every level of the organization, not just the executives and higher-ups. Use these assessments to give voice to all the people in your company.