Leadership Team Building Workshop
Ongoing Leadership Team Development is becoming more important than ever due to social and political changes in our society that impact organizational culture and team building. Common issues your team may be experiencing include lack of trust and purpose, poor planning & communication, and role confusion. Ineffective meetings and team conflict are common in these difficult times.
KeenAlignment’s leadership team building workshop is your solution to improving both group and individual talents to become a productive team again. Becoming an effective leader is a journey in itself. One of the main components of leadership is understanding that you already have the power within you — you just need to learn how to deploy that power most effectively.
Teamwork and workplace collaboration efforts increase company sales by 27%.according to
data from Frost & Sullivan. -Zipia.com
Some people define a good leader as someone who has mastered their internal power. They know how and where to direct it so that it benefits their business, team, and the world.
An underperforming leader might be someone who misdirects, mis
manages, misunderstands, or maliciously deploys their leadership power. Being a poor leader rarely delivers long-term results.
Our Leadership Team Development Accelerates Your Effectiveness
The Leadership Accelerator Workshop trains leaders to activate and release the full and sometimes dormant potential within themselves, their leadership team, and their entire organization.
Be the best possible versions of yourselves in service to a noble cause you're proud to be a part of.
This high-potential leadership team workshop lasts from 12 to 18 months. It corrects misalignment in culture, strategy, and people enroute to creating effective, empowered, and happy teams.
Are you ready to create a values-driven and high-performing leadership team? Contact us to learn more today.
“In 2016, AB&I was a culture that was once great and collaborative that had waned into siloization and lack of big picture thinking. Keen has helped us bring back focus on what is most important, belief that we are building a great company to which people want to contribute their best selves, and to learn how to lead the company into the future."
- Michael Lowe, General Manager, AB&I Foundry, Oakland, CA
What We Focus on During the Program
KeenAlignment’s expert leadership trainers and coaches tailor a customized workshop to meet your professional and personal goals. Also considered are the needs of your organization.
Assess Current Leadership Methods
Coaches partner with you and your leadership team to assess your current leadership model. You gain new insight into what you need to create, maintain, and release. By achieving this insight, you transition from "What Got You Here" into "What Will Get You There" mindset.
Build EQ
EQ, or emotional quotient or intelligence, is a critical component in being a leader. Your EQ determines your ability to identify not only your emotions but the emotions of those around you.
Being an emotionally intelligent leader gives you an edge to successfully navigate relationships, especially when your team needs to pivot or avert a crisis
You learn how to lead effectively in today's challenging environment of increasing uncertainty, distraction, and chaos.
Retrain Your Brain
Whether you've been a leader for years or are an aspiring one, it's essential to train your brain for modern society.
Discover the most critical 21st-century leadership competencies. Learn how to quickly recognize whether your leaders have what it takes to thrive in this new era.
Modern leaders communicate regularly and clearly what success looks like for their organization. The leaders chunk it down into reachable goals and understandable terms.
Achieve Goals
The Seven Levels of Personal, Group, and Organizational Effectiveness are synchronicity, innovation, engagement, courage, frustration, fear, and hopelessness. Learn how to apply these levels to enable and empower teams to achieve goals.
The levels are a framework for how we experience and impact others and ourselves. They're tools to understand the human experience and be effective in every area of our work and personal lives.
Inspire Others
Inspiring those around you is one of the most important skills you can have as a leader. To be a great leader takes hard work to infuse passion and energy into the behaviors and actions of teams of people.
When you combine the ability to inspire with a clear mission, commitment, and vision, you become the guide people want to follow. Learn how to tell your team what you're doing, where you're going, and why they should go with you.
Get the most effective structures for building a foundation of effective leadership that organizes and directs itself.
Optimize Operations
Walk away from the workshop with a clear framework that allows your organization to operate with sustained momentum. Once you enact the steps and qualities of an effective leader, It always takes grit and determination to lead. KeenAlignments leadership training gives what you need to improve as a leader and continue to grow. Your organization learns to operate like a well-oiled machine under your leadership.
“It is hard to state all the value Darlene brings to the table in a simple paragraph but I'll try. Her patience, curiosity, gift for listening, and ability to reframe my thinking have led me to understand myself, and those around me better. And the range of issues on which I seek her support and guidance only increases the more I learn. She is non-judgmental, practical, and grounded when offering sage business and leadership advice. Most importantly, she has provided me with tools to continue my journey of self-discovery. I'm a better person and leader because of our
relationship, and I count myself lucky to have her in my corner.”
- Jackie Ross, Principal/Lead Recruiter at JRoss Hospitality Recruiters
What Sets KeenAlignment Apart
At KeenAlignment, everything is focused on the service of empowering a high-performing and healthy organizational culture to liberate the human spirit by creating thriving workplace environments. They enable leaders and accelerate leadership effectiveness to ensure your organization grows and succeeds.
Margaret "Magi" Graziano is the founder and CEO of KeenAlignment. She's supported hundreds of companies transforming their cultures and increasing their results. Magi, and her team of coaches and trainers, deliver customized workshops that improve corporate cultures and change teams.
42% of millennial employees say learning and development opportunities are the most
important factor when considering a job opportunity. - Built-In
The experts at KeenAlignment are here to guide you to tap into and turn on your internal leader. Contact us today to learn more about Elevate Leadership, our leadership workshop.
How Our Process Works
Assess your leadership team to discover strengths, weaknesses, and gaps in knowledge and skills.
Meet with your leadership team to discuss assessment results and get clear on where you are now and where you want to go.
Begin training with KeenAlignment 5 hours a month. You’ll also receive supplemental reading and video assignments as well as an accountability partner.
You get access to online courses and tests to further supplement the material discussed in trainings.
Integrate your learnings into everyday work and watch as you and your team grow and flourish